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San Rafael Chamber of Commerce
Listed in: Business Networking Resources
817 Mission Ave
San Rafael,CA 94901
San Rafael,CA 94901
Contact Name: Karen Strolia
Contact Title: President and CEO
Counties Served: Marin
Business Description
We are the largest and most influential Chamber in Marin, with nearly 600 employers, representing over 26,000 employees across 25 different industry sectors. Our membership list reads as a Who’s Who of influential Marin business and community members, from organizations both large and small. Our diversity extends from banking to farming, biotech to green tech, healthcare to software, senior care to education, and just about everything in between. Each and every voice lends us credibility and strength. Become a member of the Chamber’s vibrant community of business collaborators. Together, we’ll help you grow, thrive and profit.
Available Resources: Business Networking Resources