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Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
Behavioral healthcare agency
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business Networking Resources, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Site Location Assistance
The California Green Business Network recognizes businesses that operate in an environmentally responsible manner. By offering free technical assistance, this program helps local businesses save money by conserving energy and water, minimizing waste, preventing pollution, and shrinking their carbon footprint.
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Training Resources for Businesses, Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Subsidized Employment Programs, Transportation Resources for Workers, Customized Training Resources
California Human Development (CHD) is a non-profit organization waging the War on Poverty for more than 50 years. Inspired in service to our state’s farmworkers, today CHD serves people of low income from many walks of life—giving 25,000 people a year in 31 northern California counties a hand up to the American Dream.
Counties Served: Lake, MendocinoWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
California Human Development (CHD) is a non-profit organization waging the War on Poverty for more than 50 years.
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business Networking Resources
The Chamber of Commerce is an association of business people advocating for businesses in Calistoga, as well as providing marketing and visitor services. The two primary function of the chamber itself is the provide Business Development Services and represent & advocate business interests with government agencies
Counties Served: Lake, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Economic/Industry/Labor Market Information, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership
As California’s statewide Micro Enterprise network, CAMEO is the voice for micro business and creates a thriving ecosystem of resources for all entrepreneurs.
Counties Served: LakeWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
Canal Alliance offers immigration legal services, education and career programs, and social services to help Latino immigrants and their families overcome the barriers to success.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Training Resources for Businesses, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
Description coming soon.
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: http://www.careerpointnorthbay.orgContact Email: -
Listed in: Labor Workshops, Training Resources for Businesses, Wage & Benefit Analysis, Business Networking Resources
We advance nonprofits and volunteerism by strengthening leadership, encouraging innovation and empowering individuals in our community.
Counties Served: Marin, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Certification & Incentive Resources, Understanding Zoning, Licensing & Other Requirements
Description coming soon.
Counties Served: MendocinoWebsite Address: http://www.cityofukiah.comContact Email: -
Listed in: Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Site Location Assistance
The City of Willits strives to be efficient and business friendly.
Counties Served: MendocinoWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business Networking Resources, Site Location Assistance
Clear Lake Chamber is an inclusive group that knows that with a little elbow grease great things can be accomplished. We want your business to thrive and we’ll network to make sure it does.
Counties Served: LakeWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Labor Workshops, Providing Affordable Healthcare, Training Resources for Businesses, Certification & Incentive Resources, Job Coaching, Subsidized Employment Programs, Customized Training Resources, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Training for Incumbent Workers
Career development opportunities through College of Marin’s Workforce Development
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Labor Workshops, Training Resources for Businesses, Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Wage & Benefit Analysis, Business Networking Resources, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership
Your human resources department partnering with employers to provide human resources management business education and leadership coaching services to attract and retain an engaged, skilled workforce.
Counties Served: LakeWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Labor Workshops, Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Outplacement
Our Vision All of us in Marin have an equal opportunity to live our lives with dignity and respect. Services: We break down the barriers that get in the way of anyone in our community being able to support themselves and each other.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Developing a Business/Marketing/Financial Plan, Financial Analysis, Strategic Growth Planning, Training Resources for Businesses, Economic/Industry/Labor Market Information, Obtain Business Financing, Business Networking Resources, Emergency Relief Loans, Site Location Assistance, Understanding Zoning, Licensing & Other Requirements
Established in 1997, Community Development Services (CDS) is an experienced economic development, underwriting/business lending, business services, housing program, and community outreach consulting firm. We work on behalf of both public and private sector clients. CDS specializes in project-specific grant acquisition, loan program management, direct services to businesses, and community outreach and education.
Counties Served: Lake, Mendocino, NapaContact Email: -
Listed in: Labor Workshops, Economic/Industry/Labor Market Information, Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Subsidized Employment Programs, Business Networking Resources, Customized Training Resources, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Outplacement, Training for Incumbent Workers
Our Mission: “To develop youth and conserve natural resources for a resilient, sustainable, and equitable community.”
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Economic/Industry/Labor Market Information, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Site Location Assistance
The Lake County Marketing and Economic Development Program is a division of the Lake County Administrative Office and actively works to promote tourism to and commerce in Lake County
Counties Served: LakeWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business Networking Resources
Please go to the County of Marin website for businesses to find out about current and upcoming programs and opportunities for businesses.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business/Employee Tax Credits
Please go to the County of Marin website for Environment Health Services to find out about pandemic related support for businesses.
Counties Served: MarinContact Email: -
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
DOR continues to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities.
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business/Employee Tax Credits, Labor Workshops, Training Resources for Businesses, Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Subsidized Employment Programs, Customized Training Resources
No cost disability awareness training, online recruitment tools, hiring incentivites & tax benefits.
Counties Served: Lake, MendocinoWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Obtain Business Financing
Connecting money and ideas with entrepreneurs and creating sustainable prosperity in California’s Mendocino, Lake, and Sonoma Counties.
Counties Served: Lake, MendocinoWebsite Address: https://www.edfc.orgContact Email: -
Listed in: Business/Employee Tax Credits, Subsidized Employment Programs, Work Share
Workforce services branch
Counties Served: Lake, MendocinoWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Training Resources for Businesses, Certification & Incentive Resources, Subsidized Employment Programs, Customized Training Resources, Training for Incumbent Workers
The Employment Training Panel (ETP) is a state agency that assists employers in strengthening their competitive edge by providing funds to off-set the costs of job skills training. The program serves as the state’s premier economic development tool, encouraging many companies to locate or expand in California with the assistance of ETP funds.
Counties Served: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Business Networking Resources, Customized Training Resources
Description coming soon.
Counties Served: MendocinoWebsite Address: http://www.exploreukiah.comContact Email: -
Listed in: Training Resources for Businesses, Customized Training Resources
The Heartland Institute, work-site, financial planning courses make a big difference. Our classes cover the practical every day financial concerns of working adults with hands-on behavior enhancing exercises, factual explanations and straight forward education.
Counties Served: Marin, NapaWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Training Resources for Businesses, Business Networking Resources
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Marin is the premier advocate, leader and resource for integrated, multicultural business development. We accomplish our mission by supporting, advancing and promoting the growth and success of Hispanic/Latino businesses and professionals through collaboration, networking opportunities, and access to resources.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: http://www.hccmarin.comContact Email: -
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Join/Start an Industry Sector Partnership, Outplacement
Homeward Bound is Marin County’s chief provider of shelter, housing and support services for homeless families and individuals. We serve approximately 1,200 people per year in 16 inter-related residential programs.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: -
Listed in: Job Coaching, Recruitment & Employee Hiring, Outplacement
Integrated Community Services Forging partnerships between individuals with disabilities and our community to create a diverse and inclusive place for us all. Our programs are designed to help people become independent, visible and integrated members of our community. At ICS, we know that everyone has unique needs and goals. We partner with each individual we work with to develop their personal plan in the areas of employment and independent living. We team up with community members, other agencies and employers to create a network of partners who expand opportunities and support for people with disabilities in Marin County.
Counties Served: MarinWebsite Address: Email: