Directory of resource businesses serving our community.



Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL)

Listed in: Labor Workshops, Training Resources for Businesses, Wage & Benefit Analysis, Business Networking Resources
68 Mitchell Blvd., Suite 100
San Rafael,CA 94903
Contact Name: Katelyn Willoughby – Bagley
Contact Title: Director, Marketing & Communications
Counties Served: Marin, Napa

Business Description

For over 50 years, CVNL has advanced nonprofits and volunteerism by strengthening leadership, encouraging innovation, and empowering individuals in their communities. Passion alone isn’t enough when it comes to creating strong nonprofits. That’s why we work with aspiring and established leaders and volunteers every day to help them build the skills and connections that can take their impact to the next level. Together we offer comprehensive programs that support nonprofits and volunteers including training, executive search, customized consulting solutions, volunteer services, and corporate engagement. Heart of Marin™, Heart of Napa™, and Heart of Sonoma County™ events support nonprofits of every size and mission through recognition and cash awards. Other programs and services include the Sonoma Human Race, Secret Santa, Court Referral Program, and Volunteer Wheels. We provide disaster preparedness training and serve as an Emergency Volunteer Center (EVC), overseeing spontaneous volunteers and donations for Napa, Marin, Solano, and Sonoma Counties in the aftermath of a disaster. We believe that with confident and prepared leaders and volunteers, our nonprofits will be better equipped to create healthy, happy communities. Visit to discover more.

Available Resources: Labor Workshops, Training Resources for Businesses, Wage & Benefit Analysis, Business Networking Resources