CareerPoint Northbay

County Employment Connection is Now CareerPoint Marin

This article originally appeared in the San Rafael Patch.


The Marin Employment Connection, operated by the Marin Department of Health and Human Services, has launched a new brand and website under the name CareerPoint MARIN to better serve a wider range of job seekers and businesses with employment and training services. CareerPoint MARIN is part of a four-county network of career centers funded through a new regional board, the Workforce Alliance of the North Bay.

The Alliance, which serves Marin, Lake, Mendocino and Napa counties, receives funding through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act as part of a national system of workforce development boards. Boards are comprised of business leaders, economic development professionals and educators who brainstorm ways to deliver employment and training services through a network of career centers.

Read the Patch article now.